Wednesday, May 12, 2010

a guy can't sound depressing all the time.

As the more astute of you may have noticed, I haven't posted anything in quite some time.

Life, it seems, has been getting in the way.

Perhaps it's a sign, though, that things are going not too badly: I am, after all, busy because I'm still employed, which I'm given to believe is a good thing.

I'm also busy because this may, possibly, if we're lucky, turn out to be a good year.

Rain has fallen from the sky. The sun is shining on the fields. Grass has sprouted and the animals do frolic. I don't think it's too optimistic to think it a good start.

There are, of course, the standard predictions of catastrophe: if we do manage to get the crop in on time, it will probably get hailed out. If it doesn't get hailed out the value of grain will probably fail to pay the input bills. If the value of the grain does manage to pay the input bills, the price of cattle will probably drop to nil.

But today I need to ignore the probability of disaster, ignore the chances of education cuts taking my job or weather finishing off the crop of markets getting the better of the cattle. We have fields of calves, water in the sloughs, and sunshine today.

All in all, at this moment, life ain't that bad. And today I can't ask for more than that.

Happy Wednesday from the brushprairie. Enjoy the sunshine.