Friday, October 2, 2009

let us declare war on unnecessary things.

Sometimes it gets pretty damned hard to sit down and pump out a post for the ol' blog.

Life, it would seem, has been getting in the way.

I've been putting real effort these past few months into simplifying life - every aspect of it. Results have been mixed.

I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point I completely lost control of my own life. Or maybe I was simply naive and believed that, for a while, I was in control of my little world.

Life now is governed by community commitments, family engagements, bureaucratic hoop-jumping, requirements of work (both educational and agricultural), et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum.

That, of course, doesn't take into account my physical surroundings - at some point our little house became clogged with unwanted clothing, discarded containers, unused appliances, and other detritus of unknown origin.

"But Stu," you say, "that's just life."

Dear reader, say that again and I shall be forced to strike you.

I can think of no good reason why I should allow the situation to continue any longer. So I won't.

The first step, I think, is to get a handle on my physical surroundings. Dispose of the clothes and other assorted crap that's crowding me out of my house.

Clearing out my schedule will be the next step. Decisions will have to be made about what really constitutes important events. Special care will be required when determining which hoops I will refuse to jump through. The aftermath of this, one must expect, will be especially bloody, but the rewards, free time and space to breath, will more than make up for it.

Take heed, friends: the revolution is at hand; change within your grasp. Cling to it while you have the chance.

Happy Friday from Alberta's brush plain.

1 comment:

  1. Put the goats outside...then you'll have room for your shirts...and some guests, because guests bring beer.
