Thursday, May 28, 2009

you want to see dry? i'll show you dry!

As with farm communities everywhere, the big topic out on the brush plain this spring has been the weather.

That mythical 'average year' continues to elude us and every one's feeling the pinch - after several years of excessive rain, sodden fields, and cloudy days we've slipped back into the drought cycle - clear blue skies and never-ending wind that dries out your lips and carries the topsoil to Saskatchewan.

This has been a year of dust storms and fire bans. But we seem to missing something ... oh yeah, almost forgot, "Cue the locusts!"

Dear reader, if I seem to have been inconsistent with my posts lately, I apologize - when you take on the role of a farmer you tend to tie yourself a little more to the elements. "Make hay while the sun shines" applies equally well to spring seeding and fall harvesting. Clear sunny days mean the rush is on to put a crop in the ground.

I fully expect this summer is going to break my heart - if this weather pattern continues we can expect the grain to fail and the hay to be a wreck as well. But we'll get through it.

Because, as they say, there's always next year.

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