Monday, April 27, 2009

fish tale

I have always loved fishing. Never mind the fact that I rarely do it any more, but I'm very comfortable in that class of people who are more than willing to cancel everything and take off for a day of (in my case, normally unsuccessful) fishing.

When I turned thirteen I was given a fishing pole for my birthday. That pole made many trips with me on my bike to the local fish pond. To my undying shame it has only ever reeled in two fish.

I'm not sure why I've had no luck with the fish. Maybe it's because no one ever really showed me where the fish are at. Maybe I use bad bait. Maybe the fish can sense my desperation on shore.

Both of those fish were caught on the same day. It was the day after my grandpa Somerville's funeral. One of our neighbours, a stereotypical outdoorsman by the name of Wayne, stopped by and told me to get my pole - we were going fishing.

Wayne knew perfectly well that I never caught anything. He had watched me for years during those evenings and weekends that I spent trying to coax a fish onto my hook.

When Wayne picked me up I was just a little worried that my bad fishing ju-ju was going to transmit to him. In retrospect it probably did - Wayne usually caught his limit when he went to the fishing, whereas on this day - miracle or miracles - the fish decided to come to me.

Wayne passed away not too long after that. I have not caught a fish since. Life got busier, drought came and the water level at the pond dropped, and fishing moved further down the list of priorities.

I've decided that this summer that has to change. I've decided I want to learn to fly-fish. I fully expect it will be a disaster. Probably one resulting in me embedding a hook in my forehead. Probably one that will not result in me catching a single blessed thing.

I don't care though. So what if the fish feel safer with me around 'cause I scare off the real predators? I've got enough sense to realise that now is the time to take up something like that. I have the time and the desire, so why not?

Maybe someday I'll even catch a fish.

Until then. wish me luck. And keep the antiseptic on hand, just in case.

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