Monday, April 20, 2009

obligatory monday morning post

This is my first day back at work after a week of Easter holidays. As such, it is only natural that I am exhausted and ready for a break.

I like my time off - it's when I get to do so many of those things that I miss when I'm teaching: working cattle, small construction projects, clearing brush, etc tend to fall by the wayside during school. And education not being a physical profession, I often fail to maintain the level of fitness required for farm labour: the past few days have left me stiff, limping, and sleepy.

But what a productive week it was: I read a couple of books, constructed an outdoor chicken enclosure, cleared brush from our garden, tagged calves, moved cattle, and covered a good seven or eight miles every day on foot. It was glorious.

"But Stu," you ask, "in all that time you failed to post a single thing to your blog. Isn't that neglecting your blogger-duty?"

Ah dear reader, you may be correct. I did fail to post anything in that week. And I'm happy for it.

Because I think that a lot of bloggers become caught up in the self-important delusion that what they post is of vital importance to society.

The one thing I promised myself when I began this blog was that I wouldn't start believing in my own moral/literary/political/intellectual superiority.

Am I succeeding? I sure hope so - thus far I think I've maintained an air of humility.

But you'll have to excuse me now: I feel a twinge of self-righteousness coming on and I need to quash it before it becomes a full blown ego trip.

Until next time, regards from Alberta's brush plain.

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