Thursday, June 4, 2009

sometimes a guy just feels a little bit country

In general I consider myself to be something of a connoisseur of music. Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene, Against Me!, Mother Mother, Billy Bragg and countless others grace the CD towers in my living room.

It's safe to say that there is a general theme to the music in my house - for the most part they are socially progressive, indy artists. They share similar politics and themes. They challenge the boundaries of art.

But you can't spend much time back on the farm before the country music starts to work its effect.

In the circles I ran in in college and university it was, shall we say, uncool to listen to country music. This really wasn't an issue for me. Due to my parents fear that I would grow up to be a cowboy I was actively encouraged to listen to alternative music. College did not really require a great change in music for me.

But those years away from the good ol' country stations did have an effect on me. When I came back to the farm and found myself stuck in the tractor I found that country music is the best thing to listen to. Listening material needs a twang when cutting hay is the chief activity at hand.

I'll admit, sometimes it gets to be a bit much. The past few years has seen an increase in the number of songs including the words 'Jesus' and 'god-fearin''. Outward displays of religion make me uncomfortable. Actually, outward displays of anything make me feel uncomfortable. I blame my British genetics (anything beyond 'disinterested' makes me feel a wee bit queasy).

But in general I find that the themes addressed in country music are rather admirable - ideas like the value of work and family, pride in what you do, and an appreciation of what you have.

"But Stu," you ask, "How can you possibly stand the strange right wing political statements?"

Dear reader, I'm glad you ask.

You see, I ignore them.

Out here on the brush plain you either learn to live with the right-wing or you give yourself an aneurysm.

I chose not-an-aneurysm.

If you need me I'll be around back. And don't be surprised if I'm rockin' out to Garth Brooks, Dwight Yoakum and the like.

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